Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Leader Attitude Versus The Team Member Attitude

Clarity on which role you have in any situation in life is very valuable for your well being and of others around you.  Ask yourself what is your role.  Of many roles you might have I would like to focus on two:  the leader and the team member.  Obviously all leaders are team members at the same time, however, not all team members are leaders.  I would like to focus on the difference between the leader role and the team member who is not in a leader role.

The role you have or that you create for yourself calls for a very specific attitude. 

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines attitude as:
"an organismic state of readiness to respond in a characteristic way to a stimulus"

The leader role calls for a leader attitude.  This attitude will make one ready to respond to stimulus in such a way that will transpose the obstacles between the leader and his/her target objective.  This attitude summons a lot of energy from the leader which will translate into tenacity, resilience, perseverance, creativity and strength. Leader will push and pull towards his/her objective.

The team member who is not a leader, is aware of his/her surroundings, this role calls for an understanding that as a team member you must understand your role, you must look around you and be able to distinguish who the leader is, who the team members are, what the leader expects from you and how you can fulfill your responsibility, what you are accountable for and what you are not.  You must be able to help the team to achieve its objective, but not as the leader, but by being effective in exercising your function in the team.  You must be ready to work hard and must be ready not to work depending whether it is your turn or not. 

When the role of a team member is paired with the attitude of a leader, you will have an over zealous individual.  When the role of a leader is paired with the attitude of a team member, you will have irresponsibility and neglect.  What is your role and what is your attitude?

The team member should have clarity on his/her role.  When are you supposed to be on and when you are supposed to be off.  What are you accountable for and what you are not. 

If a team member's contribution is ignored and not taken in consideration, the team member will still be accountable for his/her role, thus, it is very important that a clear effort is made to warn the team of your contribution and the consequence of ignoring it.  Such an effort must be memorialized in such a way that the team member who was ignored can not be identified as neglectful of his/her duties.  Don't be over zealous, but be ready to proof that your contributions to the team were realized even when the team has chosen not to listen to its own member.

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